Rotecc Movers Inc. was duly organized and registed company with the Security and Exchange Commission with SEC Certificate No. CS201010633 dated July 9, 2010
The people behind the company are competent, well-expirienced and safety - oriented personnel with a combined exposure of over 100 years in industrial rigging and engineering services. Its mainstays have minimum of at least fifteen (15) years in industrial logistics.
We have a proven track record of personalised service: we rely 100% on repeat clientele and word of mouth referrals, Our team is qualified, reliable and fully insured for your peace of mind.
We deliver quality rigging solutions on-time and to budget, every time.
We are highly organised to keep your project on time.
Our heart goes into every project to craft and we are passionate about ensuring that the equipment we used is safely.
We offer transparent communication via weekly meetings and constant availability, so you always know where you are at throughout the project.
If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.